Monday, 2 July 2012

9 June - Tan Hill Inn to Middleton

Wandered down to breakfast and sat down, only to be told that as I was a B&B guest I needed to sit in the other room, “this room is cattle class” yelled Tracy! 

Having had a large and well-cooked breakfast in the ‘right room’ it was time to head off across Sleightholme Moor.  Thankfully the rain of yesterday had stopped, but the boggy ground soon had my still wet boots leaking again, and I could feel my socks beginning to feel damp.  Gods Bridge came and went, and after crossing the A66 using the underpass I stopped at Ravock Castle for lunch, and a change of socks.   Then onwards to Blackton Reservoir followed shortly by Grassholme (and its reservoir),

and then to Middleton where I was staying at the Old Barn B&B, getting a lovely welcome from the owner, Linda, and given a large pot of tea and biscuits.  The only downside was that for the last couple of miles I’d been getting a stabbing pain in my right thigh that only appeared if I was walking downhill, and of course the last couple of miles into Middleton is downhill!  Relief came if I walked backwards, but otherwise it made the descent into Middleton slow and painful.

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